Burma is named after Brahma ji.
The Tibeto -Burman Pyu speaking people were the earliest inhabitants of Burma.
The Piyu script comes from Brahmi.
There are 9 literary pieces of Ramayan versions found in Burma, 3 are in prose.
Ramayan is recomposed as Yama Watthu/ Yama Zatdaw
The story of Ram is Yamayana, while zatdaw refers to the acted play or a part of the tales of Theravada Buddhism.
1- Nat Hlaung Kyaung Vishnu Temple is adorned with some stone figures of Ram and Parshu Ram.
2- There are stone inscription in the Mon language.
King Kyanzittha of Bagan dynasty proclaimed that in his previous existence he was a close relative of
'Ram of Ayodhya'.
3- Shri Ram’s story is depicted in the Jatak series of terra-cotta plaques on the panels of Petlcik Pagoda in Bagan.
4- Temple carvings, dances, marionettes, and elaborate applique hangings portray scenes from Ramayan.
Source/Credits: Meenakshi Sharan, Ayodhya Foundation, Global Ramayana Connect on Facebook